We welcome you all year round in our beautiful historic bastide in Provence. + INFOS
One of the double bedrooms
Looking through the dining/sitting room to the large double room and its window beyond
Access to the gite apartment in spring time when the wisteria is out.
Aerial view of the bastide, the mill building and "in by" olive trees.
Children helping to feed our sheep
Breakfast on the terrace
Children exploring the cave.
The gite terrace, swimming pool and seats in the shade
The entrance.... Welcome to the Domaine des Escavalins
Breakfast in the sunshine
View of the bastide, gite on top floor
View down the valley from the Bastide des Escavalins
A lovely walk from the village towards the bastide
Driving up to the bastide
The double room on the garden side.
The story of the gite
Children helping in the bergerie
Our Olive oil
Gerry and her farm animals
Kilometers of private walks around the farmhouse
Boule area for the gite guests
Behind the farmhouse in spring
The larger double bedroom
The sheep on the terrace under the old olive tree
Breathtaking sunrises
Wild flowers among the olive tress at the main gate.
Gathering wild asparagus among the olive trees, delicious in omelettes
View of the bastide from the track
Hiking gives fantastic views across the domaine and the village of Belgentier towards the sea
Window in the garden bedroom
Discover our farm animals
Sheep with their lambs
George our rooster
Our old goats, all retired from producing milk for cheese
Olive trees, the Cayet Roux variety which gives beautiful yellow and red fruit
Gerry walking with the sheep
Sheep, with their new lambs
Our beautiful olive trees
A mix of tomato varieties from our veg patch
Green tomatoes, ready for chutney
A handful of wild asparagus from among the olive trees.
Thanks to our hens for delicious fresh eggs
Max the sheepdog loves to welcome our guests
The vegetable patch in summer.
Nothing more curious than goats!
Olives at harvest time
Statues under the centuries old olive tree
Welcome to the farm!
Max, our faithful companion
Strawberries from our garden going into jam
Olives, Harvesters under the big olive tree in the early morning light
Fresh tangerines, lemons and Cape gooseberries or Chinese lantern fruit, all from our garden
You will appreciate our local restaurants and producers, we have good addresses for you!
Restaurant at Sollies Toucas
Restaurant "Table d'Eux"
Wonderful seafood and restaurants at Les Halles, the old market, in Toulon
Restaurant Pique Bouffigue at Les Salins near Hyeres and the beach.
Seafood delicacies in Provence
Restaurant "LE CABASSOIS" not far away in the Var
Discover our local producers
The restaurant "Kouros" closeby at Cuers
Pasta and lobster at Le Pique Bouffigue
Nothing like a BBQ at home
Haute cuisine, beef, morilles and truffles
Our local producers
Delicious seafood, soupe de pecheur
Pastries and truffles at the Restaurant "Bauden"
Speciality of the area, the famous Aioli
Magical walks on the estate with a rich variety of flowers of all colours, and incredible wildlife
Bee on spring flowers
Bright green praying mantis
Bird hiding in the autumn leaves of the Kaki tree
Bright orange butterfly Argynnis pahpia (JC Tempier)
Provençal black bee in the purple flowers of Cercis Siliquastrum
Huge green giant peacock butterfly larva (the size of a finger)
Hermann’s turtle in the wild, a protected species
Beehive seen between two huge trunks of olive trees
Brer Fox sliding under the garden gate at night
Superb butterfly Aurore de Provence (JC Tempier)
Multicoloured Sphynx larvae
Bonelli’s eagles, there are several on the plateau behind the farm
Red ochre praying mantis
Papilio machaon, fairly common (JC Tempier)
Yellow and black omen of a hot summer
A toad festival
Red and white mushrooms
Autumn is the time of harvesting and extracting our green fruity oil. Would you like to volunteer? HERE
Cayet Roux olives ready to be harvested
Gerry & brother Oli in the Vallon
Harvesting black olives of the Cayon variety
Our olive press after we installed it in 2015
Green oil pouring from the centrifuge at the end of the pressing
Fresh olive oil
A mass of tarpaulins spread out on the ground ready for harvesting
Under the house, with our dear Tati dog
Oli using a yellow comb on a small tree
Beads of autumn dew on olives
The harvest team takes a tea break
Harvesting, tickling the olives off the tree with the electric comb on trees under the house
Use of electric combs
Bottled oil in our laboratory
A tank of sparkling golden olive oil
Olives en Provence